Sessions: Classes are offered in two 17 week sessions that follow the school year, and summer sessions that vary in length.
Placement: Please discuss placement in levels with the director. Ages listed are approximate as placement is based on individual abilities. Call to verify class availability.
Absences: Students may make up missed lessons during the current semester. Please ask your teacher to suggest an appropriate class.
Cancellations: Classes will generally be canceled due to inclement weather if Fayette County Public Schools are closed.
Attire: All female ballet students wear pink or flesh toned tights and ballet shoes with a solid colored leotard. Skirts are allowed. Hair must be pulled back from the face. Students in levels 3 and higher are expected to have their hair pinned up in a bun or similar classical style. Young boys should wear dark shorts and a white t-shirt. Older male students should wear black tights and a fitted white shirt. Students in modern may wear leotard and tights or a leotard and jazz pants. No shoes are needed. Hair should be in a ponytail or pinned up. Yoga students may wear comfortable loose fitting clothing. Additional footwear may include pointe shoes or black tap shoes depending on the classes taken. Please check with your teacher if you have additional questions or concerns.
Concerns: Please email: or call/text the studio at 859-444-6000 .
Important Announcements and schedule changes will be posted as soon as possible on the Studio Facebook page: Dancers’ Studio Be sure to “Like” our page to receive updates.